
 Omega Blue Farms


Morganically Grown * Heritage Conservation




A Better Farming Standard That is Written For Us.


Morganic is a farming standard that strengthens the relationship between food conscious consumers and their local farmers. It brings us More wholesome goodness. The Morganic standard is built upon 5 Pillars:


More Local: Morganic food is local food. Consumers buy direct from the farm or retailers within a short distance of the farm.


More Healthy: Morganic foods are Healthier. Consumers can have confidence in knowing that Morganic policy supports farming methods that produce healthier food choices.


More Chemical Free: Morganic food is chemical free. Morganic does not allow chemical pesticides or fertilizers.


More Animal Welfare: Morganic farmers respect life. Morganic animals are naturally pastured and not overcrowded. Our poultry standard is inspired by the Label Rouge standard of France.


More Food Independence: Morganic food belongs to us; farmers and consumers. Morganic farms only utilize public domain seeds and plants. GMOs are strictly prohibited.